Who is Regan Hillyer? - Review

Master Regan Hillyer Manifestation Techniques for Success

Regan Hillyer is a world-renowned manifestation and mindset coach known for her unique techniques that accelerate personal growth and goal achievement. Regan Hillyer International is a company dedicated to providing personal development and business training to individuals with a strong message to share with the world. If you’re searching for ‘regan hillyer manifestation,’ you’re about to discover how her methods can transform your life. This article will delve into her approach, the ‘Be, Do, Have’ paradigm, and practical tools that can help you manifest your dreams.

Key Takeaways

  • Regan Hillyer emphasises the importance of mindset and self-identity in the manifestation process, advocating for internal transformation to align with one’s deepest desires.
  • The ‘Be, Do, Have’ paradigm encourages embodying the qualities and mindset of the person who has already achieved your goals, leading to aligned actions and ultimately desired outcomes.
  • Regan Hillyer’s manifestation techniques, including visioning, expanding energy capacity, and overriding limiting beliefs, focus on rapid and effective personal development, making manifestation a natural and fulfilling process.

1 The Essence of Manifestation According to Regan Hillyer

Regan Hillyer emphasises the crucial importance of mindset and one’s sense of self in successfully manifesting one’s aspirations. She believes that transformation is primarily about changing our core beliefs and how we view ourselves. Regan has applied these manifestation skills to her own life, achieving significant milestones. It’s this fundamental shift within us that sets the stage for all successful manifestation endeavours, as it synchronises our energies and actions with our innermost goals.

Central to Regan’s methodology is her strategy for reprogramming people from their core being outward. She assists individuals in rapidly understanding and attaining their authentic desires by reshaping who they believe they are, thereby making what once seemed like hard-to-reach goals attainable with ease. Her techniques are finely tuned to yield quick results, liberating people from limiting convictions and partial truths which have previously obstructed their ability to manifest effectively.

Employing tactics designed by Regan Hillyer serves to ignite rapid change by shifting how participants see themselves and understand their capabilities. Those taught under her guidance often find themselves effortlessly achieving objectives, embedding the practice of manifestation into a second nature routine. Not only does this approach propel them towards accelerated personal advancement, but also instils an inherent resonance with discovering & pursuing one’s true purpose.

The Be, Do, Have Paradigm

Regan Hillyer’s instruction heavily emphasises the ‘Be, Do, Have’ framework. The core of this philosophy stresses that one should:

  • Embrace the identity of a person who effortlessly attracts their desires
  • Prioritise personal being over possessing objects initially
  • Transform both behaviour and self-perception in tandem

Contrary to what most people believe, people acquire things first to alter behaviours and eventually themselves.Regan advocates for an inverted methodology, thereby uncovering its true message.

Within Regan’s ‘Be, Do, Have’ model lies a sequential process starting with redefining oneself (Be). This step requires adopting the attributes and attitudes of someone who has realised your objectives. Having internalised this transformed persona leads one then to engage in congruent actions (Do) reflective of this updated image. In turn, these very activities pave the way towards attaining what is sought after (Have).

By living out as if you are already your future version today—syncing your thinking patterns and actions with that envisioned role—you create powerful resonance conducive not just to reaching but to guaranteeing success with regards to coalescing aspirations into reality.

Unlocking Your Manifestation Superpowers

Regan Hillyer has identified five unique superpowers for creation that individuals can activate in just 27 days. The powers are:

  1. Visioning
  2. Expansion
  3. Overriding
  4. Identity Hacking
  5. Manifestation Acceleration

Her methodology is designed to awaken these capabilities quickly, within weeks rather than years, accelerating the journey toward manifesting your dream life into reality.

The following segments will delve into three specific superpowers: Visioning, Expansion and Overriding. Each technique plays an essential role in personal development and aids the manifestation process by empowering you to unlock your inner potential and turn your dreams into reality.


The practice of visioning requires forging a strong bond with the desires within your soul and picturing them with crystal-clear precision. It’s about breaking through the fog that often obscures our innermost wants, crafting a distinct and potent image of what you aim to bring into reality. When you visualise your wildest dreams in sharp detail, you lay the groundwork for their materialisation.

Regan Hillyer underscores how essential it is to construct visions that are both lucid and compelling enough to feel like they’re destined. Methods used in this process help slice through any mental confusion, integrating your truest aspirations into your life experience. Such clarity not only motivates but also harmonises your energy with what you aspire to achieve, transforming manifestation into an enjoyable and rewarding voyage.


Enlargement of your energetic capacity is a key step in fostering the growth necessary to realise your grandest aspirations. When you broaden your energy, you pave the way for a smoother journey of your dreams towards you. Such expansion is vital for anyone aiming to bring their large-scale ambitions into existence.

Engagement in this practice empowers you to:

  • Synchronise with the wealth and opportunities provided by the cosmos
  • Clear room for fresh possibilities and adventures
  • Ease the transition of your dreams into tangible reality
  • Accept advancement while tapping into boundless potential both inside yourself and in the surrounding world.


Overcoming obstacles is an essential method for recognizing and overcoming individual hurdles that hinder the manifestation process. It requires identifying and reshaping restrictive beliefs and resistance into instruments for personal development. This transition allows you to thwart self-defeating behaviours, bringing your true aspirations within closer reach.

Manifestation alchemy employs overriding as a potent technique, converting resistance and tendencies toward self-sabotage into chances for advancement. By harnessing this capability, you are empowered to:

  • Surpass individual constraints
  • Streamline and enhance the journey of crafting your dream life
  • Repurpose barriers as catalysts on your path toward success.

Practical Tools for Manifestation

Regan Hillyer emphasises the importance of having actionable strategies to maintain alignment with your goals for manifestation. She suggests embracing gratitude exercises, employing visualisation methods, and engaging in energy cleansing practices as effective ways to resonate with frequencies of abundance. By utilising these tools, you can elevate your vibrational energy and concentrate more effectively on manifesting consistently powerful outcomes.

Subsequent segments will delve into a range of daily routines, techniques for vivid visualisation, as well as affirmations and mantras that are designed to be integrated effortlessly into your life. These approaches offer practical steps towards adopting Regan’s recommended practices regularly.

Daily Rituals

Maintaining a high vibrational frequency and being in harmony with the intentions you want to bring into your life is crucial, as pointed out by Regan Hillyer. She stresses that weaving manifesting techniques into your morning habits can be quite effective, requiring only 5-15 minutes of commitment each day. Engaging in these practices when you start your day ensures that you keep up a positive stance and stay true to your objectives throughout the daily grind. Among the beneficial manifesting activities one could adopt for their dawn routine are:

  • Meditation
  • Affirmations
  • Visualisation
  • Journaling

-Giving thanks

By doing so, you begin each morning charged with positivity and attunement.

Fashioning a tailored set of morning rituals that may include visualisation or expressing gratitude serves as an accelerant towards achieving desired outcomes more swiftly by syncing with what is distinctively suitable for your own pattern of energy flow. When launching into every new day, ask yourself how do I wish to feel today? You lay down strong foundational intent which propels forward momentum toward fulfilling what rings most authentic regarding aspiration and essence—your true purpose.

Visualization Techniques

Visualisation serves as a potent instrument in the manifestation process, aiding in the creation of an energetic blueprint for your desired outcomes. By visualising your deepest desires with clarity and detail, you strengthen the energetic connection between your current self and your desired future. This practice helps bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Clear and confident visualisation techniques allow you to explore your dreams without self-doubt or fear. This creates a powerful energetic alignment that supports the manifestation of your goals. Visualising your desires vividly and regularly can significantly enhance your manifesting power.

Affirmations and Mantras

Affirmations and mantras serve as indispensable tools for restructuring belief systems and eliminating self-sabotaging thoughts. Regan Hillyer uses these techniques to accelerate the manifestation process by conditioning both the conscious and unconscious mind towards your goals. Positive affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind to support your manifestation efforts.

Examples of effective affirmations include statements like ‘I am powerful,’ ‘I am enough,’ and ‘I am deserving and worthy of everything I desire.’’ These affirmations reinforce empowering beliefs that accelerate the manifestation process, helping you to align more closely with your true purpose and desires.

Transformational Programs by Regan Hillyer

Regan Hillyer International is a company focused on accelerating the pace of personal development and helping individuals achieve their goals. The comprehensive programs offered equip people with the necessary skills to swiftly and successfully manifest their deepest desires. Available programs include:

  • Business training
  • Personal development
  • Wealth generation
  • Mastery over one’s mindset

Designed to serve various needs, Regan’s suite of programs aims at empowering participants to unlock their utmost potential, thereby positioning her company as an advocate for individual advancement.

Upcoming sections will provide more in-depth insights into distinctive offerings like The Art of Manifesting among other courses and workshops that have been instrumental in revolutionising many lives through effective business training and manifestation practices.

The Art of Manifesting

Regan Hillyer’s “The Art of Manifesting” is a 27-day journey crafted to unleash five distinct superpowers of creation within those who take part. This program aims at inner transformation, reprogramming participants so they can swiftly recognize and accomplish their most authentic wishes. Each day brings with it 15-20 minute sessions comprising video lessons teeming with Regan’s tried-and-true manifestation exercises and mental strategies.

Upon completion of this transformative course, individuals emerge as proficient architects of deliberate creation, possessing both the wisdom and practical tools essential for bringing forth their ideal life. The promise extended by the program is one of accelerated and significant shifts that transition from concept to exhilarating reality throughout this enriching expedition.

Other Courses and Workshops

Besides The Art of Manifesting, Regan Hillyer International provides a range of courses and workshops geared towards personal development and the achievement of accelerated results. Programs like the Abundance Codes course and Tapping Into Your Superpower have helped individuals secure significant financial opportunities and experience profound personal transformations.

Success stories from these programs include participants like Kiarna Ella, who secured a job and financial opportunities, and Christy Nestor, who experienced shifts in beliefs and direction. These courses, providing personal development, offer valuable insights and tools for anyone looking to enhance their personal and professional life.

Real-life Success Stories

Regan Hillyer, a serial entrepreneur, has made significant contributions to transforming many individuals’ lives by facilitating rapid goal attainment. Her strategies have been outstandingly successful and include fostering over 50 millionaires among her clients and stimulating both creativity and personal development.

Tinnie Garlington is an example of someone who found alignment with joy and life purpose through Regan’s creative insights, while Marcos Garcia gained a sense of empowerment and stability from engaging with her activation processes. These narratives emphasise the tremendous influence that Regan’s guidance can exert on one’s professional journey as well as in achieving fulfilment in life.

Individuals such as Karley Feaver and Yerlin Ramirez attribute their ability to reclaim control over their lives and eliminate adverse mental barriers to the training provided by Regan. The testimonials they offer underscore the capacity for profound transformation inherent in employing Regency Hillyer’s manifestation techniques.

Christina Rosario along with Cyndilu Miller recognized substantial benefits from participating in programs led by regency Hillityler, which propelled them forward into developing their own instructional offerings and seizing new vocation prospective. Such endorsements exemplify just how effective they can be in supporting people to realise their ambitions.

About Regan Hillyer: International Speaker

Hailing from Auckland, New Zealand, Regan Hillyer found herself on a path to become an architect before realising that this career did not align with her true life’s purpose. At the young age of 18, she experienced a pivotal ‘a-ha moment’ which propelled her out of architecture school and into the realm of personal development. Despite grappling with significant financial hurdles—amassing $100,000 in debt—Regan remained steadfast on her quest for self-betterment and reshaped her existence.

Today, Regan stands as a global authority in manifestation coaching and mindset training as well as being an esteemed international speaker. She has created impactful programs geared towards expediting the attainment of dreams and fostering deep personal transformation. Her evolution from aspiring architect to celebrated coach underscores both the potential of harnessing one’s power to manifest desires and committing oneself fully to discovering their authentic journey through life.


Throughout this blog post, we’ve explored the powerful manifestation techniques of Regan Hillyer, from the essence of her teachings to practical tools and transformational programs. By focusing on mindset, self-identity, and rapid transformation, Regan’s methods offer a unique and effective approach to achieving your dreams. The ‘Be, Do, Have’ paradigm, creation superpowers, and daily rituals provide a comprehensive framework for manifesting your desires.

As you embark on your manifestation journey, remember that true transformation begins from within. By aligning your thoughts, actions, and energy with your true purpose, you can achieve remarkable success. Embrace these techniques, stay committed to your goals, and watch as your dream life unfolds before you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 'Be, Do, Have' paradigm?

The ‘Be, Do, Have’ paradigm emphasises becoming the person who naturally manifests their desires by shifting your identity first, then taking aligned actions, and finally experiencing the desired outcomes.

It’s about embodying your goals before achieving them.

How quickly can I see results with Regan Hillyer's techniques?

You can start seeing results with Regan Hillyer’s manifestation techniques within weeks, and some people experience profound shifts and goal achievement in just 27 days.

Don’t hesitate to give it a try and witness the rapid transformation for yourself!

What are some practical tools recommended by Regan Hillyer for manifestation?

Regan Hillyer emphasises the importance of daily practices, including affirmations and visualisation strategies, for sustaining a high vibrational state which serves as an energetic framework for manifestation.

Utilising these methods can transform one’s belief systems to better align with their aspirations.

Can you provide examples of success stories from Regan Hillyer's programs?

Indeed, Regan Hillyer’s programs have been instrumental in the success journeys of many individuals. For instance, Tinnie Garlington achieved a creative breakthrough while Marcos Garcia experienced heightened empowerment after their engagements with her courses.

Kiarna Ella managed to unlock substantial financial prospects as a result of her participation in the Abundance Codes course. These narratives underscore the tangible effects that Hillyer’s training programs can have on participants’ lives.

Who is Regan Hillyer, and how did she become a renowned manifestation coach?

After encountering financial difficulties, Regan Hillyer underwent a significant transformation by immersing herself in personal development. She is now recognized globally as the premier manifestation and mindset coach.

Originally from Auckland, New Zealand, Regan has made an impactful journey through her life’s work.

I would like to recommend Regan’s $10k a Month Course. It’s one I am personally doing and it’s a real game changer for me.

Click the link below and see for yourself.

$10k a Month by Regan Hillyer